The Similarities between Print Media and Broadcast Media

Broadcast news and print news are similar in that they both apply the use of the characteristics of news when writing stories, they use leads, they have specific organizational patterns for writing, and they both provide consumers with news within their society on a daily basis.Broadcast news and print news are similar in that they both apply the use of the characteristics of news when writing stories, they use leads, they have specific organizational patterns for writing, and they both provide consumers with news within their society on a daily basis.Print and broadcast media rely on the same kinds of investigative and news gathering techniques. In fact, many news outlets—e.g., NPR, BBC—are both print and video-based and publish news in both mediums from the same news infrastructure. Broadcast media and print media differ in terms of delivery methods. Print media is limited to visual communication including newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Broadcast media used audio and au...